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Dedication pt II

A warrior

*various pictures of "warriors" flash across the screen, from visions of early man warriors who battled beast to bring food home, to the Christan era where man went up against lions and tigers, to World War I and II era soldiers, morphing into Vietnam heroes, then finally modern day soldiers, not just American soldiers, but African soldiers, Island Warriors, Japanese Samauri, Teenage rebels, then the screen fades away into Katu leaning on a fence post somewhere in Texas, he wears a sleeveless jean shirt that shows off his tribal pride tattoo, a pair of jeans and a cowboy hat, he cocks his head to the side and takes off the hat.*

Katu: Warriors, we're both warriors Eno, you yourself have been battle tested, you've performed acts of war that none of us should ever know about, you've done what you could to protect your country, but you've had to endure painful sacrifices along the way, I wont say I'm concerned about your mental state, but something tells me, the ghosts are not keeping you sane, they're whats tormenting you. But thats just a two bit Island boy opinion, come Showdown, I will be the one that will torment you. Inside that cage my native warrior spirit will explode, well, maybe, truth be told, I don't even know how I will be mentally in that cage, you see, I've never been in one of these matches, I'm simply going out of my element to ensure I advance to the next round. I'm not a battle tested warrior, however, I'm ready to step up, I'm ready to be the dominant force I set out to be at last years BKI. I was close, so very close, but in the end the best man won that war, this however is a brand new war, a brand new year, the new BKI. This time, I've got a challenge I'm not sure I can overcome, oh yes, I have doubts, doubts about where I may go if I lose, doubts about my career, doubts about the International Uprising's faith in me, as I said before, the IU has no leader, we support each other equally, but there is doubts of letting them down, theres a reason I'm winless so far in the TWD, but that must stop, the losing stops now, I've dedicated myself to winning, I've dedicated myself to DOMINANCE!

Dominance Katu: Dominance, I shall not sit back and allow myself to tiptoe my way through the BKI this year, last year I may have flown in under the radar, but this year I'm going to pull a double barrel roll with a loop de loop right over everyone's head, the type of dominance that knocks you out. Eno, I'm looking forward to meeting you in that cage, because there will be no escape for either one of us, locked in a cage, backed in a corner, the Samoan Surprise will be just that, insights into your past are nice Eno, but those days are past, you may have dominated in your time of service, but this is my time, Katu Tui is ready to ascend to heights that everyone wishes to reach. Make no mistake, I'm on a mission to win that title, if you're NOT on that mission, get the heck out of the tournament. I'm not going to tip toe around and say "I'm looking forward to some good competition, may the best man win blah blah blah blah blah." Hell no, I WANT THE TITLE! To advance to the finals, to declare myself the best of TWD, cocky? Maybe, confident, of course, absolutely sure? No, then again, could you be? You ask me, "how do I prepare to go into battle with a man who's ready to accept death?" Simple, I'm willing to grant him his wish if he really wants it, not literally, but I can beat the pain out of him if thats what he desires. The cage is a brutal weapon, perhaps I could help you get over your emotional pain, with some good old fashion physical pain, sounds good to me.

*Katu winks and lets out a cocky smile, he puts the hat back on and climbs up onto the top rail of the fence, with a sneer he looks up into the hot Texas sky, then looks back at the camera.*

Katu: Yeah, you're ready for battle, ready to give everything you got, perfect, thats exactly what I'm expecting, but tell me Eno, is your best good enough? You don't know do you? Neither do I, but surrounded by steel, we'll find out....maybe I can make those ghosts disappear, and give ya some new ones to worry about.

True Dominance, time to face the steel, time to prove himself,